Invertek Optidrive E3 knowledge base index
Invertek Optidrive E3 Knowledge Base Index.
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Please Note: These Knowledge Base documents are for MCW customers only
Doc Number | Title (Click link to access) | Summary |
MCW-E3-001 | E3 Parameter P-15 Set-up Guide - Terminal Functionality | Optidrive E3 parameter P-15 Terminal set-up information |
MCW-E3-002 | E3 P-15 = 0 Set-up Guide (Default) | Optidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 0 terminal set-up information |
MCW-E3-003 | E3 Parameter P-15 = 1 Set-up Guide | Optidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 1 terminal set-up information |
MCW-E3-004 | E3 Parameter P-15 = 2 Set-up Guide | Optidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 2 terminal set-up information |
MCW-E3-005 | E3 Parameter P-15 = 3 Set-up Guide | Optidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 3 terminal set-up information |
MCW-E3-006 | E3 Parameter P-15 = 4 Set-up Guide | Optidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 4 terminal set-up information |
MCW-E3-007 | E3 Parameter P-15 = 5 Set-up Guide | Optidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 5 terminal set-up information |
MCW-E3-008 | E3 Parameter P-15 = 6 Set-up Guide | Optidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 6 terminal set-up information |
MCW-E3-009 | E3 Parameter P-15 = 7 Set-up Guide | Optidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 7 terminal set-up information |
MCW-E3-010 | E3 Parameter P-15 = 8 Set-up Guide | Optidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 8 terminal set-up information |
MCW-E3-011 | E3 Parameter P-15 = 9 Set-up Guide | Optidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 9 terminal set-up information |
MCW-E3-012 | E3 Parameter P-15 = 10 Set-up Guide | Optidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 10 terminal set-up information |
MCW-E3-013 | E3 Parameter P-15 = 11 Set-up Guide | Optidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 11 terminal set-up information |
MCW-E3-014 | E3 Parameter P-15 = 12 Set-up Guide | Optidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 12 terminal set-up information |
MCW-E3-015 | E3 Parameter P-15 = 13 Set-up Guide | Optidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 13 terminal set-up information |
MCW-E3-016 | E3 Parameter P-15 = 14 Set-up Guide | Optidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 14 terminal set-up information |
MCW-E3-017 | E3 Parameter P-15 = 15 Set-up Guide | Optidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 15 terminal set-up information |
MCW-E3-018 | E3 Parameter P-15 = 16 Set-up Guide | Optidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 16 terminal set-up information |
MCW-E3-019 | E3 Parameter P-15 = 17 Set-up Guide | Optidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 17 terminal set-up information |
MCW-E3-020 | E3 Displaying RPM on the drives display and showing customer Defined units | How to show RPM on the E3s display and customer defined units |
MCW-E3-021 | E3 Keypad stop/start with analogue ref | E3 keypad control stop/start with analogue speed ref from a pot |
MCW-E3-022 | E3 terminal stop/start with keypad reference | E3 terminal control stop/start with the keypad speed reference |
MCW-E3-023 | E3 bi-polar speed ref using a single pot | E3 bi-polar speed reference using a single potentiometer |
MCW-E3-024 | E3 Keypad Control | Optidrive E3 information on keypad control |
MCW-E3-025 | E3 Modbus RTU Control & register Mapping Information | |
MCW-E3-026 | How to show motor current on the E3s display | |
MCW-E3-027 | Optidrive E3 basic PI loop set up | |
MCW-E3-028 | Optidrive E3 PI Control with a Vacuum Sensor | |
MCW-E3-029 | E3 Master-Slave control using on-board Master Slave function | Optidrive E3 On-board Master-Slave Function |
MCW-E3-030 | Optidrive E3 Fire Mode Operation | |
MCW-E3-031 | Optidrive E3 current limit and overload | |
MCW-E3-032 | E3 minimum and recommended braking resistor values | |
MCW-E3-033 | Optidrive E3 terminal functions in keypad control - P-15 = 0 | |
MCW-E3-034 | Optidrive E3 terminal functions in keypad control - P-15 = 1 | |
MCW-E3-035 | Optidrive E3 Using standby mode | |
MCW-E3-036 | How to disconnect the internal EMC filter on Optidrive E3 | |
MCW-E3-037 | Information on the E3 read only status parameters | |
MCW-E3-038 | Setting E3 enabling 3 preset speeds from 3 separate terminals | |
MCW-E3-039 | Information regarding E3 Earth leakage values | |
MCW-E3-040 | How to set up and connect E3 for simple motor brake control | |
MCW-E3-041 | Information on setting up the Optidrive E3 for dynamic braking | |
MCW-E3-042 | See MCW-E3-077 for information on the new 2ROUT module | |
MCW-E3-043 | Connection and set-up of E3 for Motorised Pot Function | |
MCW-E3-044 | Gives information on setting up the Optidrive E3 for increasing motor starting torque | |
MCW-E3-045 | Gives information on setting up the Optidrive E3 for controlling Permanent Magnet and Brushless DC motors | |
MCW-E3-046 | Gives information on the E3 CANopen serial communications | |
MCW-E3-047 | Gives information on how to lock E3 parameters to prevent changes | |
MCW-E3-048 | See MCW-E3-084 for information on the Outdoor rated IP66 switched unit | |
MCW-E3-049 | Gives information on setting up the E3 for use with a PTC motor thermistor | |
MCW-E3-050 | Gives information on connecting up the E3 in a master-slave configuration using analogue inputs and analogue outputs | |
MCW-E3-051 | E3 Trips & Fault Finding | Gives information on the E3 trips & fault finding on E3 |
MCW-E3-052 | E3 Analogue inputs and Analogue Output | Gives information on the E3 analogue inputs and analogue output |
MCW-E3-053 | E3 on Generator Supplies | Information and considerations when using Optidrive E3 on generator supplies |
MCW-E3-054 | Using E3 on High Speed Motors | Information on using Optidrive E3 on high speed motors |
MCW-E3-055 | E3 DC Injection Braking | Information on setting up DC injection braking on E3 |
MCW-E3-056 | E3 AC Flux Braking | Information on E3 AC Flux Braking |
MCW-E3-057 | E3 Controlling the drive from an analogue input and implementing a standby time | E3 Controlling the drive from an analogue input and implementing a standby time |
MCW-E3-058 | E3 IP66 'Outdoor Rated' Units - Disabling and Enabling the integral switch and potentiometer <3.09 Firmware | See MCW-E3-084 for information on the E3 IP66 switched unit =>V3.09 Firmware |
MCW-E3-059 | E3 - Creating a User Default Parameter Set | Information on Creating a User Default Parameter Set with E3 |
MCW-E3-060 | E3 - Example set ups for controlling kitchen ventilation fans with gas shut off valve control | Example set ups for controlling kitchen ventilation fans with gas shut off valve control with E3 |
MCW-E3-061 | E3 - Multiple Motors Connected to the Output of an E3 | Information on Connecting Multiple Motors to the Output of an E3 |
MCW-E3-062 | Using an External Changeover Relay with E3 | Information on Using an External Changeover Relay with E3 |
MCW-E3-063 | E3 Parameter P-15 Set-up Guide when P-12 = 1 or 2 - Keypad mode | Gives information on E3 Parameter P-15 Set-up when P-12 = 1 or 2 - Keypad mode |
MCW-E3-064 | E3 Parameter P-15 Set-up Guide when P12 = 3 or 4 or 7 or 8 – Fieldbus control mode (Modbus or CANopen) | Gives Information on E3 Parameter P-15 Set-up when P12 = 3 or 4 or 7 or 8 – Fieldbus control mode (Modbus or CANopen) |
MCW-E3-065 | E3 Parameter P-15 Set-up Guide when P-12 = 5 or 6 - PI Control Mode | Gives Information on E3 Parameter P-15 Set-up when P12 = 5 or 6 – PI control mode |
MCW-E3-066 | E3 - Using the Digital Output and Status Relay | Information on using the Digital Output and Status Relay on the E3 |
MCW-E3-067 | Differences Between Current E3 IP66 Inverter and New E3 IP66 'Outdoor Rated' Inverter | Gives the Main Differences Between Current E3 IP66 Inverter and New E3 IP66 'Outdoor Rated' Inverter |
MCW-E3-068 | E3 Momentary Control with an E-Trip or Motor thermistor input | Gives set-up information on E3 Momentary Control with an E-Trip or Motor thermistor input |
MCW-E3-069 | E3 Jog (inch) Function | Gives information and examples of setting up a jog (inch) function on E3 |
MCW-E3-070 | E3 Momentary control from two control stations | Gives set-up and connection information for using E3 with two separate control stations with push button start and stop and reverse control |
MCW-E3-071 | E3 Implementing 3 Fixed speeds using the IP66 Switched unit with the on-board switch and potentiometer | Gives set-up information for implementing 3 Fixed Speeds on the E3 IP66 switched units using the on-board switch and potentiometer |
MCW-E3-072 | E3 Keypad Start and Stop with PI Pump Control | Gives set-up information for implementing Keypad Start and Stop with PI Pump Control |
MCW-E3-073 | E3 Step Increase and Step Decrease Speed Set Up | Gives information on E3 Step Increase and Step Decrease Speed Set Up |
MCW-E3-074 | E3 Set-up for Synchronous Reluctance motors | Gives information on setting up E3 for Synchronous Reluctance motors |
MCW-E3-075 | Setting up E3 with an 'enable' input | Gives information on setting up E3 with a pseudo enable input |
MCW-E3-076 | E3 - Reducing Induction Motor Audible Noise In Inverter Drive Applications | Information on Optidrive E3 - Reducing Induction Motor Audible Noise In Inverter Drive Applications |
MCW-E3-077 | Optidrive E3 New 2ROUT extra control relay module | Information on the new E3 2ROUT extra/2nd control relay module |
MCW-E3-078 | Optidrive E3 Keypad Start & Stop with 2 Preset/Fixed Speeds | Information on setting up the E3 for keypad Start and Stop with 2 preset/fixed speeds |
MCW-E3-079 | Optidrive E3 Auto-Start and Auto-Reset Functions | Information on Optidrive E3 Auto-Start and Auto-Reset Functions |
MCW-E3-080 | Optidrive E3 Current Limit, Thermal Overload Retention and Thermal Overload Limit Reaction | Information on Optidrive E3 Current Limit, Thermal Overload Retention and Thermal Overload Limit Reaction |
MCW-E3-081 | Disconnecting the internal EMC filter on the E3 IP66 Outdoor Rated Drives | Information on disconnecting the internal EMC filter on the E3 IP66 Outdoor Rated Drives |
MCW-E3-082 | Optidrive E3 - Setting up for Preset / Fixed Speeds | Information on setting up the E3 for Preset / Fixed Speeds |
MCW-E3-083 | Optidrive E3 - Setting up for a 2nd acceleration ramp time | Information on setting up E3 for a 2nd acceleration ramp time |
MCW-E3-084 | Optidrive E3 Outdoor Rated Switch Functionality With >=V3.09 Firmware | Gives information on the Optidrive E3 Outdoor Rated Switch Functionality With >=V3.09 Firmware |
MCW-E3-085 | Optidrive E3 - Parameter P-10 - Motor Rated Speed | Gives information on Optidrive E3 Parameter P-10 - Motor Rated Speed |
MCW-E3-086 | Optidrive E3 PI Control - How it works | Gives information on how the Optidrive E3 PI control works. Set up examples can be found in MCW-E3-027 |
MCW-E3-087 | Optidrive E3 Momentary Control With 2 Fixed Speeds | Gives information on how to set Optidrive E3 up for momentary control with 2 fixed speeds |
MCW-E3-088 | Using RCD's with Invertek E3 Variable Frequency Drives | Gives information on using RCD's with Inverterk E3 Variable Frequency Drives |
MCW-E3-089 | Using 3-Phase E3's from Single Phase Power Supplies | Gives information on using 3-phase E3's from single phase power supplies |
MCW-E3-090 | Operating Multiple E3 Drives From A Common 24VDC Power Supply | Gives information on operating Multiple E3 Drives From A Common 24VDC Power Supply |
MCW-E3-091 | E3 inverter drives supplied from a busbar and brush gear system | Gives information on E3 inverter drives supplied from a busbar and brush gear system |
MCW-E3-092 | E3 inverter with run forward and 4 speeds selected from a binary switch | Gives information on connecting the E3 inverter with run forward and 4 speeds selected from a binary switch |
MCW-E3-093 | E3 2ROUT 2nd Relay Module when the analogue/digital output is already being used | Gives information on using the E3 2ROUT 2nd Relay Module when the analogue/digital output is already being used |
MCW-E3-094 | Optidrive E3 Using the 230/110/48/24VAC input control modules | Gives information on the Optidrive E3 and using the 230/110/48/24VAC input control modules |
MCW-E3-095 | Optidrive E3 for basic tank level control with 2 float switches | Gives information on setting up the Optidrive E3 for basic tank level control with 2 float switches |
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