Invertek Optidrive E3 knowledge base index

Invertek Optidrive E3 Knowledge Base Index.

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E3 Parameter P-15 Set-up Guide - Terminal Functionality

Optidrive E3 parameter P-15 Terminal set-up information


E3 P-15 = 0 Set-up Guide (Default)Optidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 0 terminal set-up information


E3 Parameter P-15 = 1 Set-up GuideOptidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 1 terminal set-up information


E3 Parameter P-15 = 2 Set-up GuideOptidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 2 terminal set-up information


E3 Parameter P-15 = 3 Set-up GuideOptidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 3 terminal set-up information


E3 Parameter P-15 = 4 Set-up GuideOptidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 4 terminal set-up information


E3 Parameter P-15 = 5 Set-up GuideOptidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 5 terminal set-up information


E3 Parameter P-15 = 6 Set-up GuideOptidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 6 terminal set-up information


E3 Parameter P-15 = 7 Set-up GuideOptidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 7 terminal set-up information


E3 Parameter P-15 = 8 Set-up GuideOptidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 8 terminal set-up information


E3 Parameter P-15 = 9 Set-up GuideOptidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 9 terminal set-up information


E3 Parameter P-15 = 10 Set-up GuideOptidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 10 terminal set-up information


E3 Parameter P-15 = 11 Set-up GuideOptidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 11 terminal set-up information


 E3 Parameter P-15 = 12 Set-up GuideOptidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 12 terminal set-up information


E3 Parameter P-15 = 13 Set-up Guide

Optidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 13 terminal set-up information


E3 Parameter P-15 = 14 Set-up Guide

Optidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 14 terminal set-up information


E3 Parameter P-15 = 15 Set-up Guide

Optidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 15 terminal set-up information


E3 Parameter P-15 = 16 Set-up Guide

Optidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 16 terminal set-up information


E3 Parameter P-15 = 17 Set-up Guide

Optidrive E3 parameter P-15 = 17 terminal set-up information


E3 Displaying RPM on the drives display and showing customer Defined units

How to show RPM on the E3s display and customer defined units


E3 Keypad stop/start with analogue ref

E3 keypad control stop/start with analogue speed ref from a pot


E3 terminal stop/start with keypad reference

E3 terminal control stop/start with the keypad speed reference


E3  bi-polar speed ref using a single pot

E3 bi-polar speed reference using a single potentiometer


E3 Keypad Control

Optidrive E3 information on keypad control


E3 Modbus RTU Control & register Mapping

E3 Modbus RTU Control & register Mapping Information

E3 Displaying motor current on the drives display

How to show motor current on the E3s display

E3 PI Control

Optidrive E3 basic PI loop set up

E3 PI Control with a Vacuum Sensor

Optidrive E3 PI Control with a Vacuum Sensor

E3 Master-Slave control using on-board Master Slave function

Optidrive E3 On-board Master-Slave Function

E3 Fire Mode Operation

Optidrive E3 Fire Mode Operation

E3 Current limit and overload

Optidrive E3 current limit and overload

E3 minimum and recommended braking resistor values

E3 minimum and recommended braking resistor values

E3 terminal functions in keypad control when P-15 = 0

Optidrive E3  terminal functions in keypad control - P-15 = 0

E3 terminal functions in keypad control when P-15 = 1

Optidrive E3 terminal functions in keypad control - P-15 = 1

E3 Using Standby Mode

Optidrive E3 Using standby mode

Disconnecting the Internal EMC Filter on Optidrive E3

How to disconnect the internal EMC filter on Optidrive E3

E3 Read only status parameters

Information on the E3 read only status parameters

E3 3 Preset speeds from 3 separate terminals

Setting E3 enabling 3 preset speeds from 3 separate terminals

E3 Earth Leakage (Touch Current) Values

Information regarding E3 Earth leakage values

E3 Simple Motor Brake control

How to set up and connect E3 for simple motor brake control

E3 Dynamic Braking

Information on setting up the Optidrive E3 for dynamic braking

E3 2ROUT Extra Control Relay Module (See MCW-E3-077)

See MCW-E3-077 for information on the new 2ROUT module

E3 Motorised Potentiometer Set-up

Connection and set-up of E3 for Motorised Pot Function

E3 Increasing motor starting torque

Gives information on setting up the Optidrive E3 for increasing motor starting torque

E3 Set up for PM and BLDC Motors

Gives information on setting up the Optidrive E3 for controlling Permanent Magnet and Brushless DC motors

E3 CANopen serial comms information

Gives information on the E3 CANopen serial communications

Locking E3 parameters to prevent changes

Gives information on how to lock E3 parameters to prevent changes

E3 IP66 Switched Switch Connections (See MCW-E3-084)

See MCW-E3-084 for information on the Outdoor rated IP66 switched unit

E3 Motor Thermistor Set-up

Gives information on setting up the E3 for use with a PTC motor thermistor

E3 Master/Slave using analogue inputs & analogue outputs

Gives information on connecting up the E3 in a master-slave configuration using analogue inputs and analogue outputs


E3 Trips & Fault FindingGives information on the E3 trips & fault finding on E3


E3 Analogue inputs and Analogue OutputGives information on the E3 analogue inputs and analogue output


 E3 on Generator Supplies Information and considerations when using Optidrive E3 on generator supplies


 Using E3 on High Speed Motors Information on using Optidrive E3 on high speed motors


E3 DC Injection BrakingInformation on setting up DC injection braking on E3 


E3 AC Flux Braking Information on E3 AC Flux Braking 


E3 Controlling the drive from an analogue input and implementing a standby timeE3 Controlling the  drive from an analogue input and implementing a standby time


E3 IP66 'Outdoor Rated' Units - Disabling and Enabling the integral switch and potentiometer <3.09 Firmware See MCW-E3-084 for information on the E3 IP66 switched unit =>V3.09 Firmware


E3 - Creating a User Default Parameter SetInformation on Creating a User Default Parameter Set with E3


E3 - Example set ups for controlling kitchen ventilation fans with gas shut off valve controlExample set ups for controlling kitchen ventilation fans with gas shut off valve control with E3


E3 - Multiple Motors Connected to the Output of an E3Information on Connecting Multiple Motors to the Output of an E3


Using an External Changeover Relay with E3Information on Using an External Changeover Relay with E3


E3 Parameter P-15 Set-up Guide when P-12 = 1 or 2 - Keypad modeGives information on E3 Parameter P-15 Set-up when P-12 = 1 or 2 - Keypad mode


E3 Parameter P-15 Set-up Guide when P12 = 3 or 4 or 7 or 8 – Fieldbus control mode (Modbus or CANopen)Gives Information on E3 Parameter P-15 Set-up when P12 = 3 or 4 or 7 or 8 – Fieldbus control mode (Modbus or CANopen)


E3 Parameter P-15 Set-up Guide when P-12 = 5 or 6 - PI Control Mode

Gives Information on E3 Parameter P-15 Set-up when P12 = 5 or 6 – PI control mode


E3 - Using the Digital Output and Status RelayInformation on using the Digital Output and Status Relay on the E3


Differences Between Current E3 IP66 Inverter and New E3 IP66 'Outdoor Rated' InverterGives the Main Differences Between Current E3 IP66 Inverter and New E3 IP66 'Outdoor Rated' Inverter


E3 Momentary Control with an E-Trip or Motor thermistor inputGives set-up information on E3 Momentary Control with an E-Trip or Motor thermistor input


E3 Jog (inch) FunctionGives information and examples of setting up a jog (inch) function on E3


E3 Momentary control from two control stationsGives set-up and connection information for using E3 with two separate control stations with push button start and stop and reverse control 


E3 Implementing 3 Fixed speeds using the IP66 Switched unit with the on-board switch and potentiometerGives set-up information for implementing 3 Fixed Speeds on the E3 IP66 switched units using the on-board switch and potentiometer


E3 Keypad Start and Stop with PI Pump ControlGives set-up information for implementing Keypad Start and Stop with PI Pump Control


E3 Step Increase and Step Decrease Speed Set UpGives information on E3 Step Increase and Step Decrease Speed Set Up


E3 Set-up for Synchronous Reluctance motorsGives information on setting up E3 for Synchronous Reluctance motors


Setting up E3 with an 'enable' inputGives information on setting up E3 with a pseudo enable input


E3 - Reducing Induction Motor Audible Noise In Inverter Drive ApplicationsInformation on Optidrive E3 - Reducing Induction Motor Audible Noise In Inverter Drive Applications


Optidrive E3 New 2ROUT extra control relay moduleInformation on the new E3 2ROUT extra/2nd control relay module


Optidrive E3 Keypad Start & Stop with 2 Preset/Fixed SpeedsInformation on setting up the E3 for keypad Start and Stop with 2 preset/fixed speeds


Optidrive E3 Auto-Start and Auto-Reset FunctionsInformation on Optidrive E3 Auto-Start and Auto-Reset Functions


Optidrive E3 Current Limit, Thermal Overload Retention and Thermal Overload Limit ReactionInformation on Optidrive E3 Current Limit, Thermal Overload Retention and Thermal Overload Limit Reaction


Disconnecting the internal EMC filter on the E3 IP66 Outdoor Rated DrivesInformation on disconnecting the internal EMC filter on the E3 IP66 Outdoor Rated Drives


Optidrive E3 - Setting up for Preset / Fixed SpeedsInformation on setting up the E3 for Preset / Fixed Speeds


Optidrive E3 - Setting up for a 2nd acceleration ramp timeInformation on setting up E3 for a 2nd acceleration ramp time


Optidrive E3 Outdoor Rated Switch Functionality With >=V3.09 FirmwareGives information on the Optidrive E3 Outdoor Rated Switch Functionality With >=V3.09 Firmware


Optidrive E3 - Parameter P-10 - Motor Rated SpeedGives information on Optidrive E3 Parameter P-10 - Motor Rated Speed


Optidrive E3 PI Control - How it worksGives information on how the Optidrive E3 PI control works.  Set up examples can be found in MCW-E3-027


Optidrive E3 Momentary Control With 2 Fixed SpeedsGives information on how to set Optidrive E3 up for momentary control with 2 fixed speeds


Using RCD's with Invertek E3 Variable Frequency DrivesGives information on using RCD's with Inverterk E3 Variable Frequency Drives


Using 3-Phase E3's from Single Phase Power SuppliesGives information on using 3-phase E3's from single phase power supplies


Operating Multiple E3 Drives From A Common 24VDC Power SupplyGives information on operating Multiple E3 Drives From A Common 24VDC Power Supply


E3 inverter drives supplied from a busbar and brush gear systemGives information on E3 inverter drives supplied from a busbar and brush gear system


E3 inverter with run forward and 4 speeds selected from a
binary switch
Gives information on connecting the E3 inverter with run forward and 4 speeds selected from a
binary switch


E3 2ROUT 2nd Relay Module when the analogue/digital output is already being usedGives information on using the E3 2ROUT 2nd Relay Module when the analogue/digital output is already being used


Optidrive E3 Using the 230/110/48/24VAC input control
Gives information on the Optidrive E3 and using the 230/110/48/24VAC input control modules


Optidrive E3 for basic tank level control with 2 float switchesGives information on setting up the Optidrive E3 for basic tank level control with 2 float switches